DARK VENTURE: An Adventure Card Game 2ND EDITION!

Created by Rob Lemon

Explore a dark-fantasy future with your hero, completing their quests to win in this retro solo to 4 player adventure game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Production Update!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 10:38:56 AM

Hello backers!

September has been a month of tying loose ends, clean-up, and revisions! Most of my time this month was focused on editing the rule books, play-testing, and delivering some of the the final press-ready files.

CORE GAME/VILE INVADERS: The Core Rule Book has been edited. All the new rules have been tested and we are happy with them. It is virtually done, so we are working on laying out files for the final submission to the manufacturer.

KHRAG PIT: After completing the book and the first round of edits (see the last update), we tested this expansion *a lot* this month. We are completing the final editing pass of the rule book. This expansion is in the home stretch.

CRAWL!: The complete rule book was reviewed this month by our “rule editor.” and now requires a final pass from our main copy editor. Components are good-to-go.

ALDERKANG/BEASTS & MONSTERS: Outside of any minor card changes, these mini-expansions are done and final files are ready to send to the manufacturer.

DV SOUNDTRACK/RAKE THE VOID: The books that will be inserted into the tapes were printed about 2 weeks ago and I received all of them YESTERDAY! They look great.

This is a copy of the actual Rake's Lair book with a prototype map (and prototype tape/case).

The final tape layouts (for screen printing on the actual cassette tape and for the “j-card,” the folded map that will be inside the case) are complete, approved by Errant Space and Gilded Skull. We're shipping the books to the tape manufacturer this week, the tapes will be manufactured in 2-3 weeks (then packaged with the books and heat-sealed). ALMOST DONE!

OTHER NEWS: We received a sample of the WOOD RHORGONKRUL MEEPLE and it looks great. It can be used to display the Rhorgonkrul monster on the map or it can be used as a “CURRENT PLAYER TOKEN” (when used as the "current player token," the Rhorgonkrul standee represents the creature). The meeple will be included in the CORE GAME and the 2ND EDITION UPGRADE KIT.

We're very happy with the color of the wood. This thing is chunky!

We also received samples of the NEOPRENE MATS. I really like them, and I typically don’t use neoprene mats (ha!). I had no idea that they’d make set-up and tear-down so quick (especially when playing solo and using the LARGE GAME DASHBOARD  that includes the Day Track, Hero Point Track, and Deck Mat). I’m actually reconsidering neoprene purchases for other games that I own!

Testing out the prototype LARGE GAME DASHBOARD with a quick game! The Ether Rider drank a liquid that smelled like tomato vines in the Destroyed Laboratory...no spoilers...
Three HERO DASHBOARD mats and one LARGE GAME DASHBOARD are included in a neoprene mat set.

That’s it for now, more on a production timeline soon (we are working this out with the manufacturer and shipping partners right now).

Thank you again, and stay safe!


August Update: The Khrag Pit!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 09:11:35 AM

Hello Backers,

I've made a lot of progress on all parts of the game and the expansions this month, but my main focus has been the KHRAG PIT ARENA expansion. It’s fresh in my mind, and I’m excited to talk about it in this update!

A solo BATTLE TO THE DEATH game in progress. Note that I'm using a prototype board. The final board will be thick, foldable, and will have wrapped edges.

The components of the Khrag Pit (character cards, item cards, tokens, and the Khrag Pit location) can be used in two ways, you can either (1) integrate them into the core game to add more variety, or you can (2) play a standalone “Battle to the Death” game.

KHRAG PIT IN THE CORE GAME: Integrating the Khrag Pit Arena cards into the core game is easy: when playing a standard Dark Venture game, add the Khrag Pit characters and items into their respective decks.

Also, the Khrag Pit Arena location card is added into the location deck. If it is played in a game, the LOCATION ENTRY for the arena is read from the Khrag Pit book. Then, if a player’s character (a hero or their follower) enters the location, an ACTION is read and the arena is set up: the game board is placed nearby, the gladiatorial competitors are drawn, and EVENT TOKENS are placed on the board. Players can now choose to have their hero battle opponents in the arena to earn QUEST POINTS (that determine the winner of a standard game) and gather powerful items. Their hero isn't required to stay in the arena location and can leave (to continue adventuring) at any time.

Many new items are included in the Khrag Pit Arena expansion, here are a few.

STANDALONE “BATTLE TO THE DEATH” GAME: To set up a “Battle to the Death” game (solo or 2-player), the game board is placed into the play area, NPC gladiatorial opponents and Event tokens are readied. Item and character decks are built. The item deck contains the Khrag Pit items with a few powerful core game items mixed in. The character deck contains captured sarkag wolves, orpal wanderers, and others from the core game (events can trigger their release). Player’s heroes are thrown into the arena with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They immediately face a challenging opponent: the frog-like, pike-wielding gladiator named Gertherder riding a Trained Equadon!

Non-player characters are controlled by a series of “auto-enemy actions” that dictate how they move, attack, use items, and (if necessary) flee from combat.

In a solo game, your objective is to defeat a series of challenging opponents to become ARENA CHAMPION, earning the BELT OF KHRAG! In a 2-player game, your prime objective is to be the last player standing: defeat non-player enemies and trigger event tokens to gain weapons, items, and armor, then engage your rival in combat!

There is a very important and nuanced addition to the combat in the Khrag Pit: HIT LOCATIONS. Before damage is dealt, characters roll on the HIT LOCATION chart and, depending on what part of the body they strike, various bonuses are added to their attack. Enemies can gain BLEED (damage added per battle turn for each bleed token), can be weakened (certain attack dice faces are not counted), they can be disarmed, or (if you are extremely lucky) they can be instantly decapitated!

As an optional rule, whenever a character is about to deal a KILLING BLOW in the arena, an appeal for MERCY is made to the crowd! If they are in a merciful mood, the defender is set free but if not...(BRUTAL SLICING NOISE THEN DISGUSTING SOUND EFFECT)!

I really enjoy this expansion, and I hope you will too.

Speak to you next month. Until then, stay safe!


July Production Update: Short and Sweet!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 07:10:08 AM

Hello Backers!

Hope everything is going well and that you're having a great summer! I’ve been hard at work finishing up all the new expansion QUESTS and LOCATIONS, working on the final edits to the RAKE’S LAIR booklet, and laying out the NEOPRENE MATS (we’re expecting samples soon). Read on to learn everything I’ve been working on this month.


  • The Core Game rules (specifically the new FAQ) are in the final stages of editing. The Vile Invaders rule book was given a few additions and clarifications, and is also being reviewed/edited. We sent the Rhorgonkrul Meeple design to the manufacturer about a week ago (it must be manufactured before anything else), we’ll see a prototype soon.
  • All the HEROIC QUESTS and SIDE QUESTS in the Khragg Pit and CRAWL! expansions were written this month. This took some time as I wanted to be sure that they were totally unique, offering new and challenging ways to play. Bandits, blood witches, and burly beasts! (no spoilers). I also wrote the LOCATION ENTRIES and ACTIONS for CRAWL! this month, and I still have 1 final location to write (it'll be done this week).
  • As I mentioned in a past update, the Alderkang and Beasts & Monsters expansions are ready to send to print, however, we continue to review and test them.
  • The Official Soundtrack (with bonus Rake the Void location) is *mostly* complete. After more testing, I found that several events required some balancing. We’re making final edits to location actions and it’ll be ready to send to print early next month.
  • The Neoprene Dashboard Mat Set is being prototyped (I completed the design and pre-production this month). Looking forward to seeing it soon!

In summary, things are progressing very well! Short and sweet, as promised.

That’s it for now, stay safe!


June Production Update: NEW (and OLD) FACES!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 08:04:32 AM

Hello Backers,

We made a lot of progress in two specific areas this month: the development of new characters and a new game mode!

CHARACTERS: Over the past month, I completed all the mini-expansion (Alderkang and Beasts & Monsters) and CRAWL! character cards. I polished their art, finished their layouts, defined their attributes, then wrote and play-tested all their special abilities (which takes the most time).

The KELVON BUTCHER (one of 3 KELVON enemies) can inflict damage before engaging in combat; you might know LARVOK, a hero introduced in Battle of the Ancients; this TRILOK increases its POWER with each battle turn!

There will be more characters in CRAWL! than I originally anticipated. I changed the balance between items and characters, decreasing the number of items (originally 24, now 18), while increasing the number of characters (originally 12, now 18). The fresh special abilities of the new characters add a lot more dimension to the gameplay, so you'll get more bang for your buck. 

In the CRAWL! game mode, characters are being enchanted with “The Darkness,” and even if they may usually be friendly, they become enemies (*AGGRESSIVE*). An important new game mechanic in this mode is that players can choose to have their heroes “disenchant” an enemy instead of killing them (gaining additional Quest Points for doing so, but alerting the Ancient of Death, DHOREGAT KELT to their presence!).

KEJEN is a follower who has an increased chance of fleeing combat; the THRG’FERVHEN, introduced in Battle of the Ancients, is a terror that teleports all over the map; the DARK LAKE TERROR is another terror…that is absolutely terrifying!

A NEW GAME MODE: In addition to the original solo/2p game mode in CRAWL!, there will be a new solo or co-op “FULL WORLD EXPLORATION GAME” for 1-4p. In this game mode, you will play through ALL THE LOCATIONS THAT YOU OWN, exploring everything from start to finish. This will take a lot of time (you can think of it as a "campaign"), so a new “SAVE GAME” system has been developed: players can pack up their game and resume it at another time, where they left off.

Simply put, the player’s heroes make a CAMP. Once their heroes have "camped," players can choose to (a) start a "new day" (begin at round 1 on the Day Track again) and continue playing, (b) leave the game tabled to start a "new day" at another time or (c) or pack up the game (in a very particular way) to resume later.

A  “full exploration” mode (or campaign) is something I’ve wanted to add to the game for a long time, and I think having it as part of CRAWL! makes a lot of sense. 

That’s it for now. More news on production and (hopefully) manufacturing in the next update. 

Stay safe!


May Production Update: Location, Location, Location!
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 24, 2023 at 07:41:48 AM

Hello Backers!

I’ve made a lot of progress on Dark Venture 2nd Edition over the past month. In this production update I’ll go over what I’ve been working on: testing new components, finalizing new additions to the Core Rules, and creating new Locations! Also, toward the end of this update, there's a full progress report. This is a long one, so buckle in!

Testing some of the new Alderkang expansion prototype components mixed into the core game.

CORE RULES UPDATE: Over the past month we've focused on reviewing the 2nd Edition Core Rules. This rule set has been fine-tuned since the first edition was released and now, in our final passes, we are reviewing all the new passages. Specifically, the new 12-page FAQ has undergone a full editorial review. We’ve folded the ANCIENTS into the core game (they were originally an add-on expansion). We’ve added several pages of updated APPENDICES. It is not 100% press-ready and requires a final editorial pass (a detailed proofreading), but here is a link to the latest version (this link will be consistently updated with the newest version of the book, it is a work-in-progress until sent to the printer):


The Core Rule Book is a GAME SETUP GUIDE, a PLAYER AID, and a RULES REFERENCE all rolled into one. It explains all the included components, the basic game setup (for all game types), and outlines the SOLO, COMPETITIVE, and CO-OP games in detail.

The goal in updating the Core Rules was to clarify and simplify the existing book and make playing the game easier, while trying not to add more rules to the game. I think we've achieved this goal.

NEW LOCATION ART: Over the past month, I've been breaking up the “rules review” and the writing by creating artwork for the locations in the new Dark Venture ALDERKANG, BEASTS & MONSTERS, and CRAWL! expansions. Each location is hand-drawn, hand-inked, and hand-painted. Creating the game location art is absolutely my favorite part of making this game. The ideas for what will happen in a location are made simultaneously to painting the location, so the art is often very inspirational to creating the events that will happen there, and vice versa.

Three of the new locations: two are from the Alderkang expansion, one is from Beasts & Monsters.

For the CRAWL! expansion, the locations will be handled in the same way that they were in Vile Invaders. Namely, the CRAWL! rule book will contain the LOCATION ENTRIES (read when playing the location) and ACTIONS (events that are read when a player’s character enters the location).

However, there are no rule books in the mini-expansions so we had to handle the location entries in a slightly different way. Location Entries are on cards, 1 per location, that are kept near the play area. Similar to the location entries in the books, when the specific location is played (added to the map), the Location Entry on the card with the number corresponding to the location is read, events take place and choices must be made!

Mostly spoiler free, these are LOCATION ENTRY cards. They are read when locations are played.

Also, in addition to the actual location card art, this month I created quite a few backgrounds representing the new locations. This art will be used behind the various characters and items that are included in the new expansions.

Slivers of the new card backgrounds. They're based on expansion locations.


  • The Core Game and Vile Invaders expansion token sheets, boards, and cards are laid out and press-ready (this includes the Upgrade Kit), the books require a final editorial “proofreading” pass.
  •  Khrag Pit token sheets and cards are complete (but require a final review), the game board is press-ready, the rule book is typeset and has undergone a lot of rule testing and 2 full rounds of editing (but require a final “rules pass” and  “proofreading pass”).
  • I made a lot of progress on The Alderkang and Beasts & Monsters expansions this month. Token sheets and cards are laid out; they are now content-complete (Location Entry cards and Heroic Quests are typeset, written, and edited). These are now ready to send to print.
  • The Official Soundtrack (with bonus Rake the Void location) is complete and ready to send to print. We will likely get a prototype of the final tape next month. The tape production will follow a slightly different process compared to the game, but I’m confident it will work out: it’s being mastered in Canada, will be shipped to me (in the US), then we’ll be sending out separate deliveries to each of our worldwide hubs (who will add it to your order upon fulfillment).
  • The CRAWL! expansion has many brand new, never-before-seen characters, items, and locations. Art is mostly complete, the layouts for most of the character and item cards are 60% complete (and likely will be complete by the end of next month), token sheets need to be laid out. The main game mode (for SOLO and 2P) is written, but requires editing. As new characters are finalized in the other expansions, they are being added into the CRAWL! play mode (enemies are sorted into STANDARD, HARD, or LEGEND classes for use in CRAWL!). I'll complete typesetting the book when all the locations/actions are written (soon). I am making a lot of progress, knocking out large parts of this expansion weekly, but my primary focus is to complete the other content to 100%.

In summary, I’ve made a lot of progress on the legacy content of the game (the Dark Venture Core Rules), while also completing a good portion of the new expansion content this month. That said, I have a lot to do so I should get back to it :)

Thank you again for your amazing support and words of encouragement. This project could not have been made without your incredible generosity.

Until the next update, stay safe!
